Do Stuff Together by Mikkeller

The core purpose of this blog is ostensibly the review of Canadian-made craft beer. But I will veer off-course from time-to-time. This review of an American-style beer brewed in Belgium by a Danish brewer is one of those times.

There's a lot to like about Mikkeller. The homebrewer in me loves the story behind the company, from its homebrew roots, to its establishment as a virtual brewery, to its evolution into a global craft beer brand. The marketing professional in me loves the brewery's branding, focused as it is on the illustrative style of their talented art director, Keith Shore. And most importantly, as a fan of craft beer, I love that their output is universally pretty good.

Mikkeller's beers are typically sold as singles, at least in Alberta. In fact, I don't believe I've ever come across a four- or six-pack of Mikkeller beer. Do Stuff Together is no different. This is a premium beer with a premium price of just under $10 for a single 473mL can. It is regularly available at Sherbrooke Liquor and I make a point of procuring a can each time I visit what I consider to be Edmonton's best liquor store for beer.

  • Name: Do Stuff Together
  • Brewery: Mikkeller
  • Style: Pale Ale
  • Alc/vol: 4.9%
  • OG: Unknown
  • FG: Unknown
  • IBU: Unknown
  • Malt: Unknown base malt, Flaked oats, Rye, Wheat
  • Hops: Lemondrop, Idaho 7
  • Yeast: Unknown
Appearance: The 500mL can is a classic example of the Mikkeller brand with contrasting yellow and purple that ensure it stands out on the shelf. The beer was poured into a Spiegalau IPA glass and featured a frothy head that stuck around and impressive lacing that lasted.

Aroma: There's subtle touch of wheat but the smell is dominated by overripe tropical fruit. Very nice.

Flavour: Mmm. More tropical fruit. And citrus. There's a hint of something that reminds me of gooseberries or maybe white wine. The malt profile is typical of beers brewed in the hazy or New England-style: clean with a subdued sweetness that gets out of the way of the hops. I'm curious about the inclusion of rye, which I can't pick out.

Mouthfeel: Medium carbonation, which suits the beer well. It's hard to describe the body of this beer and others like it—fluffy or frothy are the best words that come to mind and I'm keenly aware how preposterous that sounds.

Overall: This is a wonderful beer, one of my current favourites and worth every penny.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


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